Do I Need a TBN?

The nitty-gritty on this simple additive test

dropper putting oil into a glass test tube

What is a TBN, and who uses it? In short, a TBN (Total Base Number) measures how much base (as in base vs. acid) additive is in the oil to offset the effects of acids coming into the oil from combustion and other sources. Scientifically speaking, the TBN is one of two “neutralization number” tests run on oils. The TAN (Total Acid Number), which is used for hydraulic and gear oil, is the other. The TBN test is useful for anyone who wants to extend their oil use beyond the normal range.

The oil’s function is to lubricate, clean, and cool the engine. Additives are added to the oil to enhance those functions. The TBN will start out reading in the 6.0 to 14.0 range (depending on the oil and whether it’s meant for gas or diesel engines). When you first start using the oil, the TBN tends to drop sharply. Then it levels out and drops more slowly after that. The lower the TBN reading, the less active additive the oil has left. A low TBN test result, meaning very little additive is left, is down around 1.0 or lower.  

The TBN is not the only factor to consider when determining how long an oil can be used. If wear accumulations and insolubles in the oil build up and become abrasive, we would recommend changing out the oil, no matter how high the TBN reading.

We offer a TBN test on any gasoline or diesel oil sample for an additional $10. Note: You do not need to send in a virgin sample for us to run a TBN on your oil. Some people like to know where the TBN starts out in virgin oil, and of course we’re happy to test that for you if you’d like. The cost of a virgin oil sample plus TBN is the same as a regular oil sample plus TBN.

About the Author

Image of Blackstone's founder, Jim Stark
Jim Stark passed away peacefully at his home in Ossian, Indiana on Nov. 20, 2015. He was 73. Jim was an inventor, entrepreneur, pilot, musician, writer, workshop tinkerer, mechanic, and an all-around interesting guy. He enjoyed happy hour (three-beer limit unless scotch was available), playing guitar and the ukulele, traveling and camping with his wife Kathy, passionately rooting for Purdue, hot tubbing, writing stories, John Prine music, and checking himself out of the hospital. Jim and Kathy played music wherever they went on their travels across the country. Jim founded Blackstone Laboratories back in 1985, a successful company that is still going strong today. He was building his own airplane – a Van’s RV12 – just before he died. Jim survived a tour in Vietnam, crashing an airplane, two heart attacks and two heart surgeries, jumping out of an airplane (barely) when he was 70, and the doctors in Indianapolis before lung cancer got him in the end. His spirit is among the stars, and he will be greatly missed by all who loved him.

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