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Oil + TAN


Get a Total Acid Number test with your standard analysis to determine the acidity of the oil. The TAN is mainly used for transmissions, gear oils, and industrial-type applications, not engine oil.

A standard sample with TAN includes:

  • Spectral exam
  • Viscosity
  • Insolubles (total solids)
  • Flashpoint (checks for fuel and other contaminants)
  • Total Acid Number, which measures the the oil’s acidity level


Get a TAN with your standard analysis to find out the oil’s acidity level. A TAN is typically run on transmission and industrial-type samples.

The TAN measures how acidic the oil has become. Surprisingly, not all TANs start out at 0.0. It can be helpful to know an oil’s acidity level to start with (in its virgin state) when you’re trying to determine how acidic an oil has become from use.

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